Welcome to the

Culturally Diverse Alliance of Tasmania


Cultural diversity is the cornerstone of our community and is an asset we foster, cultivate and promote.

Our Mission



We endeavour to connect all Tasmanians with the diverse cultural groups, who now call Tasmania home.



We empower migrant and refugee communities through mentoring and sharing of knowledge.



We advocate, by being productive and instrumental in bringing about change for our culturally diverse vulnerable communities.


Our Board

Meet the inspirational community leaders who guide the work we do at the Culturally Diverse Alliance of Tasmania.


Our Vision

Our vision is to make Tasmania a place where everyone feels they belong and to foster a community where each person has the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. We endeavour to work with all Tasmanians to educate, inspire and empower them towards the betterment of our society.


Get Involved

Become a member of the CDAT community to stay up to date with our events, functions and community consultations.

Get in touch

Get in touch


We are all equal. At CDAT, we strive to promote equality for all regardless of their background, and advocate for equitable community strategies that support an inclusive society.